Nathalie Baudin
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Auburn University
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking and judgment in clinical practice are essential to the competent nurse, especially in today’s increasingly technologically complex health care environment.
Since the beginning of my nursing school journey, I have strived to grow in my critical thinking skills, and thereby think no longer like the average individual, but like a nurse. This was not easy, for to do so requires examining people, the health care system and the world as a whole in an entirely new way. For nurses to think critically, they must first obtain the theoretical knowledge and foundational concepts of the nursing practice. In my Fundamentals of Nursing course, I was introduced to the core concepts of health and wellness, safe dosage calculation, and skills for care provision Later courses such as Medical Surgical Nursing, Obstetric Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing built upon that foundation to further develop my critical thinking skills. I understand now that to be the best possible nurse, one cannot rely on knowledge alone, but must apply that knowledge for the best outcome by thinking critically.